如欲索取收據,請將以下資料 whatsapp至6383 5396 或電郵至
foundation@twah.org.hk 以便跟進:
- 捐款憑證(如銀行轉賬憑證 / 銀行入數紙 / 自動櫃員機捐款存根 / 電子捐款截圖等)
- 捐款人英文全名
- 回郵地址(索取實體捐款收據適用) / 電郵地址
所得捐款將以「最迫切需要」為原則供各項基金使用,或用於其他 改變生命 / 拯救生命之醫療服務。如欲指定捐助項目或計劃,請將上述所列資料,以及欲捐助的項目或計劃, whatsapp至6383 5396 或電郵至
您可透過銀行櫃位 / 自動櫃員機 / 網上理財 / 電話銀行直接存入以下港安醫院慈善基金—荃灣理事會戶口。
戶口名稱: HK Adventist Hospital Foundation-Tsuen Wan
- 轉數快FPS
請把捐款轉帳至港安醫院慈善基金荃灣理事會「轉數快」識別碼 : 103373692

- 劃線支票
支票抬頭請寫「 HK Adventist Hospital Foundation-Tsuen Wan 」,並郵寄至「香港新界荃灣荃景圍199號舊翼105室」 。
- 信用咭
接受 VISA/ Mastercard /AMEX
請填寫捐款表格並發回本院 (按此下載)
- 網上捐款平台 (PayPal)
- 香港港安醫院-荃灣及港安醫院慈善基金保留更改及刪除上述資料權利,無須另行通知,並保留一切最終決定權。
- 港安醫院慈善基金是根據香港《税務條例》第 88條的認可慈善機構,它與香港港安醫院為獨立個體。
- 相關捐款由港安醫院慈善基金—荃灣理事會直接接收及管理,為有需要的人士提供多方面的醫療及健康支援。
- 所收取善款的百分之十將用於行政費用支出。港安醫院慈善基金是一間香港認可的註冊慈善機構。
- 捐款港幣$100或以上獲發之收據可用作扣稅之用(香港居民適用)。
if you would like to receive a receipt, please provide the following information via Whatsapp 6383 5396 / email
- Donor’s full name in English,
- Postal Address (For requesting original receipt)/ email
- Transaction record (screen shot for online payment/ transection receipt etc.)
donations will be applied on a ‘most-needed’ basis or used for other life-changing/life-saving medical treatments. If you want to designate a beneficiary or donation purpose, please state it with the information of i) and send us Whatsapp 6383 5396 / email
Bank Deposit
You may donate via bank transfer at the bank counter / ATM machine / online banking / mobile apps, to either one of our bank accounts:
Hang Seng Bank
Account Number: 773-433412-668
Account Name: HK Adventist Hospital Foundation-Tsuen Wan
You may transfer with FPS to our account. Our FPS ID is 103373692

- Cheque
Please make the cheque payable to ‘HK Adventist Hospital Foundation-Tsuen Wan’ and post with this completed form to ‘Room 105, Old Wing, 199 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong’. If you would like to get a receipt, please write your name and email/ postal address at the back of your cheque.
- Credit Card
Accepts VISA/ Mastercard /AMEX
Please fill in donation form (click here to download)
- Online Donation Platform (PayPal)
- Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan and Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Charitable Foundation reserve the right to change or delete the above information without prior notice and reserve the right to make a final decision.
- Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation (HKAHF) is a recognized charitable organization in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenues Ordinance. It is a separate entity from Hong Kong Adventist Hospital.
- Relevant donations are directly received and managed by HKAHF Board of Governors – Tsuen Wan to provide multi-faceted medical and health-related support for the needy.
- Donation over HK$100 are tax deductible
- Only 10% of funds collected will be used for administrative costs.
- Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation is a recognised charitable organization in Hong Kong