- 年滿65歲或以上之香港永久性居民
- 正在公立醫院輪候,或經醫生確診患有白內障
- 正領取綜援或通過撒瑪利亞基金 / 關愛基金醫療援助項目經濟審查的人士
- 身體狀況穩定,如長期服用藥物,須提供病歷報告
服務地點:香港港安醫院 - 荃灣 (香港新界荃灣荃景圍199號)
WhatsApp/ 電話:6462 3292
十年白內障幾近盲 術後重見光明
快要七十歲的謝女士,十多年來亦受白內障折磨; 她視物時總是模糊不清,於是經常揉眼睛,導致不停流眼水,相當影響日常生活;平日煮食前洗菜或洗碗,也難辨別是否已徹底洗淨。
HKAHF provides free cataract surgery to help elderly cataract patients regain vision and reduce the long waiting time in the public health system. Eligible patients can have 1 pre-surgical examination, 1 cataract surgery (local anesthesia day surgery), and 3 post-surgical examinations.
- Hong Kong permanent residents aged 65 or above.
- Waiting for cataract surgery in public hospitals or diagnosed by doctors
- Low-income recipients who are on CSSA or have passed the Samaritan Fund/ Community Care Fund Medical Assistance Programme income and asset test
- Stable physical condition. If patients are on long-term medication, please provide a medical report.
Service Location: Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan (199 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong)
WhatsApp/ Tel: 6462 3292
Beneficiaries Story Sharing
After a Decade of Cloudiness, Light and Vision Restored
For the past 10 years, Ms. Tse, who is nearing 70, has suffered from cataracts. Because her vision was blurry, she often rubbed her eyes, which caused them to become perpetually watery. This also affected her daily life in different ways – for example, she was unable to even see whether her vegetables or dishes were thoroughly clean after washing.
As a CSSA recipient, Ms. Tse was unable to afford cataract surgery at a private hospital. Not only did she have to continuously consult a doctor for seven to eight years, she had been waiting for five years for her turn to receive cataract surgery at a public hospital. Fortunately, her friend happened to come upon an article about Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation’s Charity Cataract Program, and immediately told her about it. Less than one month after she applied to be a beneficiary, HKAHF scheduled cataract surgery for her in June 2021.
Ms. Tse now enjoys much clearer vision and is able to read and use her phone normally once again. She is incredibly grateful for what she calls the “biggest gift of her life”.
“Thank you, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Tsuen Wan, and all the generous donors,” she said. “I hope more cataract patients will also have the opportunity, like me, to regain their vision and quality of life.”
- Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan and Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Charitable Foundation reserve the right to change or delete the above information without prior notice and reserve the right to make a final decision.
- Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation (HKAHF) is a recognized charitable organization in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenues Ordinance. It is a separate entity from Hong Kong Adventist Hospital.
- Relevant donations are directly received and managed by HKAHF Board of Governors – Tsuen Wan to provide multi-faceted medical and health-related support for the needy. Receipts will be issued for all donations. Donations over $100 are tax-deductible.