- 與社區非牟利機構及長者中心合作,為近千名長者進行基本身體檢查活動;
- 舉辦「關愛日」推廣健康知識,以同樂日形式向家庭及小朋友推動健康教育,至今已邀請逾150個基層家庭參與活動;
The Healthy Lifestyle Fund strives to promote the concepts of “total health” and healthy living through a variety of community health and educational activities.
- Working in collaboration with non-profit organizations and elderly centers, the Fund has rolled out a series of community health screenings that have benefited nearly 1,000 elderly
- Care Date are fun, family-friendly events designed to introduce healthy living concepts to families and children. Over 150 low-income families have participated in care date since the inception of the program;