



Charity Diagnostic Imaging Support Services

Provides support to eligible low-income patients by sponsoring one-off diagnostic imaging services, which include but are not limited to PET-CT scans, MRIs, CTs, etc.

Beneficiaries Story Sharing

Ms. Chan (not her real name) is a single mother and new immigrant with two children under the age of 18. At the end of 2018, she began to experience frequent headaches and vomiting, which led her to seek medical help at a public hospital. She initially relied on painkillers prescribed by her doctor to ease her symptoms, only to discover later on after a CT scan that she had a tumor in her brain. Her next follow-up appointment was scheduled for 2020. As she waited, Ms. Chan’s pain continued to worsen. Even painkillers were unable to alleviate her pain and her daily life was greatly affected. Her financial circumstances did not allow her to seek treatment outside the public system, and she became increasingly worried that her tumor was growing and that her condition would reach a point of no return by the time her next check-up came around. Fortunately, Ms. Chan was referred to HKAHF and was able to undergo a brain MRI scan and consult with a neurosurgeon. To her relief, her condition had not deteriorated.

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