


  • 正領取綜援或通過撒瑪利亞基金經濟審查的人士


WhatsApp/ 電話:6462 3292




熱愛運動的偉叔叔,本身是私人游水教練,教授游泳已有10多年。數年前開始,他經常感到胸口疼痛及手腳麻痺,更曾在泳池失去知覺暈倒。經醫生診斷後,偉叔叔被發現患有血管堵塞,需進行俗稱「通波仔」的手術。 惟受疫情影響,偉叔叔收入驟減,無力負擔私院費用,亦一直未能在公院輪候手術。幸好,他獲荃灣理事會醫療基金批出資助,得以在香港港安醫院-荃灣完成手術。現時偉叔叔已康復,並可如常教授學生游泳,他感謝基金伸出援手,讓他得以回復健康。
  • 香港港安醫院-荃灣及港安醫院慈善基金保留更改及刪除上述資料權利,無須另行通知,並保留一切最終決定權。
  • 港安醫院慈善基金是根據香港《税務條例》第 88 條的認可慈善機構,它與香港港安醫院為獨立個體。
  • 相關捐款由荃灣理事會直接接收及管理,為有需要的人士提供多方面的醫療及健康支援。所有捐款均獲發收據,捐款港幣$100或以上獲發之收據可用作扣稅之用。

Charity Cardiac Surgery

To provide cardiac surgery services for those in need, including one pre-surgery checkup, assessment, surgery and post-surgery checkup.


  • Low-income recipients who are on CSSA or have passed the Samaritan Fund income and asset test


WhatsApp/ Tel: 6462 3292

Beneficiaries Story Sharing

Ms. Lee (not her real name) suffers from chronic high blood pressure and diabetes, which requires her to visit the public hospital regularly for checkups. When she began experiencing pain and tightness in her chest, her doctor recommended a CT scan and referred her to the cardiology department to await further follow-up. As she waited to be referred, Ms. Lee continued to experience discomfort and even visited the emergency room to seek medical help. The doctor on duty informed her that the largest blood vessel in her heart was about 90 percent blocked, while two other blood vessels were about 50 percent blocked. Even though her condition was critical, Ms. Lee still found herself waiting to be admitted to the hospital, which caused further stress and worry.

Retired and living alone, Ms. Lee was unable to afford an angioplasty at a private hospital and had no choice but to wait for a slot at the public hospital. As her symptoms grew worse, she became increasingly anxious about not being able to receive the treatment she urgently needed in time. Fortunately, she was ultimately referred to HKAHF, and was able to undergo the procedure at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Tsuen Wan. Angioplasties usually last three to four hours, and patients often recover after three to five days. They are generally able to return to their normal lives about one to two weeks after the procedure.

Uncle Wai, who loves sports, is a private swimming instructor and has taught swimming for over 10 years. A few years ago, he started to feel chest pains and numbness in his arms and legs. Once, he lost consciousness and fainted at the pool. After a doctor's diagnosis, Uncle Wai was found to be suffering from blood vessel blockage and needed to undergo PCI surgery. However, due to COVID, Uncle Wai's income dropped drastically, and he could not afford private hospital fees. Fortunately, through BOG-TW's Medical Fund, he completed the surgery at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan. He is now recovering and teaching his students to swim as per usual. He is grateful to BOG-TW for helping him recover.

  • Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan and Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Charitable Foundation reserve the right to change or delete the above information without prior notice and reserve the right to make a final decision.
  • Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation (HKAHF) is a recognized charitable organization in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenues Ordinance. It is a separate entity from Hong Kong Adventist Hospital.
  • Relevant donations are directly received and managed by HKAHF Board of Governors – Tsuen Wan to provide multi-faceted medical and health-related support for the needy. Receipts will be issued for all donations. Donations over $100 are tax-deductible.

© Copyright 2018 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation