

所資助之慈善計劃包括 :

  • 慈善白內障手術計劃:為本地65歲或以上、有經濟困難的長者提供完全免費的白內障手術
  • 慈善心臟病計劃
  • 慈善診斷影像支援服務,與以下團體合作:
    1. 新界西醫院聯網 – 醫院管理局
    2. 香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫
  • 其他慈善醫療服務


Medical & Development Fund

Provides access to medical services, e.g. screenings and surgeries, for those in need.

Charity programs funded include:

  • Charity Cataract Surgery Program: provides free cataract surgery for elderlies above the age of 65 who have financial difficulties
  • Charity Cardiac Surgery Program
  • Charity Diagnostic Imaging, in collaboration with the following groups:
    1. New Territories West Cluster – Hospital Authority
    2. Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry
  • Other charity medical services

For the maintenance, upkeep, upgrading, renovation, and replacement of apparatus, equipment, utilities and facilities and training of healthcare professionals of the Hospital.

© Copyright 2018 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation